Friday, October 28, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
For some reason, broccoli doesn't sound as appetizing at 10 p.m.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
That just means next week will be a 3 pound week, right? Right!
Considering I've been off the NS food this week, I'm really not too disapointed. It make take me a bit to get in the swing of preparing my own low glycemic and lower calorie foods.
A Big Mac is low GI, right?
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
You can file this under TMI...
I've mentioned before the, um, social unacceptablity of being on NutriSystem: people on the NS support boards refer to this common problem as "NutriToots." Kind of funny, especially when you're offending everyone around you. And if you have the sense of humor of a 6 year old (which I obviously do.)
It's not so funny when the problem escalates with the longer you're on the plan. I did think it was funny at first and took some comfort in reading others' comments that after a while, it eased up and eventually went away. I got some quality alone time--I didn't mind making the cats' eyes water or sending other people running from the room.
Until Saturday night.
Without getting too graphic, let's just say that this side effect grew to epic proportions, which increased to other bodily eruptions that had the cat looking at me like "What the hell did you just do? If I did that you'd be rushing me to the vet!" and had me =this= close to calling the Boy at whatever party he was at and asking him to come home so he could take me to the ER.
I was in a serious amount of pain; hell, having the brain tumor removed hurt less. At the worst point, not only was there pain and eruptions of the explosive kind, but I broke out into a cold sweat, I got that funky tunnel vision that preceeds passing out, and then felt as if I was on fire.
I literally crawled back to bed... I didn't eat any of the NS foods yesterday or today, and aside from being totally wiped out from Saturday night's torture, I feel fine.
Tomorrow I'll eat a few NS things and see what happens...but if what happens is even remotely close to Saturday night, I'm tossing in the towel. I know how to do a low glycemic diet on my own, I was just happy to not have to make the effort to cook and clean up.
The Spouse Thingy is staying on it; he doesn't have the same problem and he can eat whatever food I have left if I wind up having to stop.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
But later we decided it was truly going to be a free day and went out for pizza. And holy crap, when did a large become the size of a smallish medium??? It figures, we decided we're going to just ENJOY, and there was not a whole lot of pizza there...
Do I feel guilty?
Hell, no.
One of the things I don't understand, surfing around support boards, is when people get honestly upset because they popped 3 french fries into their mouth, or they were stuck somewhere and had to eat what was available, and they go over daily calories by 40-50.
We all have to learn to eat in Real Life, not just with specially prepared foods in front of us. Once in a while you're going to consume some not-so-wonderful-for-you things, and it's ok. As long as you know you can limit it to one day every once in a while, it's a good thing.
And I do understand some people are in a place emotionally where they just can't allow themselves a "slip" because it will cause an avalanche of poor food choices, but for the most part--enjoy once in a while.
Your sanity will thank you.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
never had to break boards, but I'm pretty sure I'd have all the luck that this little smiley guy is having...
I'd love to get back to it; my weight is not what's kept me from it, my back and hips certainly have. And while the arthritis probably isn't going to just vanish and the narrowing of my lower spine won't just reverse itself, I still harbor this little fantasy that getting the weight off might make it possible.
I was never that good at sparring, but dang, I loved forms (kata, hyung, poomse...a rose by any other name kind of thing.) If I'm not taking blows, maybe...
One can hope.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Two days ago we were very, very bad... We stopped at Denny's for lunch (grilled tilapia, which is a reasonable choice, but then there was garlic bread, and I said "screw it" and ate it, and was very happy about that.)
Later we went for a nice long walk...and I got three quarters of the way and then had to stop. I couldn't walk any further, not because of a lack of endurance, but because my back and hips suddenly decided to mutiny. So he went home and got the car, and by that point I was so hungry I was going to eat the foam insulation in the passenger we went for fajitas.
And trust me, it was gooooood.
Got on the scale this spite of the fajitas (and chip & salsa, the torilla, and the little corn tomalito that no sane person can resist) I was down 3 pounds for the week.
I am a firm believer in one good "cheat" meal a week, but having eaten out twice in one day just felt, well kinda naughty. :)
If you're interested in a low glycemic diet, but don't want to bother with something like NS, check this book out. I read it a couple of years ago; it explains the whole low GI diet quite clearly and for those who aren't as lazy as I am, it's easy to do.
Face it, I buy NS foods for convenience...
Monday, October 03, 2005
I needed a new pair of shoes, so off we went to buy me a new pair of shoes. As I reached down to tie one of them, one of my rings just slid off my finger. The other 2 that I wear are also loose. The down side: the ring I wear on my middle finger is kind of ornate, and if I have to get it resized, it'll mess up the design.
Today's weighing has me down a total of 11 pounds, but knowing how things went last week, I'm not holding my breath. I'll be happy if it sticks, but not surprised if I get on the scale tomorrow and am up a pound.
And it looks like I'll get my next food shipment tomorrow. Yay.