I didn’t make the same mistake today; I had lunch, waited an hour,
and then headed out. Instead of dragging my asterisk, I was able to find
a groove, got my HR into the high 130s, and pedaled around town for
about half an hour.
Time and distance is not my issue; the bike seat is. Even with a gel
pad and bike shorts, I was done at 7 miles because it hurt too much.
Everything else feels great, I just have a major case of sore ass after 5
miles or so. I presume that’ll get better with time. If not, I’ll order
a Pedego seat because that sucker is comfy for hours at a time.
I’m just not sure how well it’ll work with the new bike’s geometry. I
mean, I think it’ll be fine, but it depends on where the crank on the
different bikes are. If the new one is more under my hips than the
Pedego, there might be some chafing. I’m willing to try, though.
I also need something to carry my wallet, keys, and phone. When it’s
cooler our, I’m in track pants with pockets. It was warm today so I wore
the bike shorts and wound up wearing my cycling jacket just for the
pockets…that got a little warm after a while.
I’ll figure it out.
But I really would like to get a solid ten miles in without my ass feeling like its on fire.
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