I'm pissed.
Not at myself, just pissed in general.
No, I'm not giving up, and I knew a week like this was headed my way, but it still ticks me off. It's not even disappointment: I got on that scale this morning and was downright angry.
You'd think that at 1200 calories a day, at my current size1, weight would drip off, not sneak back on.
I need to be more diligent about keeping a food diary. I keep track of calories ingested, but I need to take a closer look at what those calories are, I think. I started this knowing I needed to be on a low glycemic diet, and I suspect a pound of that gain is because I took in too many higher glycemic foods. And some is water; the last 2 nights my DDAVP hasn't worn off, and today I feel it in my forearms. That's not something I can control.
Good thing though...I don't have that urge to go eat something totally not good for me. All I want right now is a banana. :::checks clock::: Too close to lunch, though. I can have it as my fruit with lunch instead.
Yep, I'm that anal right now. I could have it now and skip the fruit with lunch, but I know me. I'm going to want it with lunch, too.
1Nope, I'm still not comfortable with admitting just what that size is...
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